Project Goals
The goals for this project was to identify the issues currently associated with the space by the general public and to create design-driven solutions to improve visitor experiences with Chester Beatty. 
My Audience
From my research, I was able to develop personas to better understand the users that I was designing for.
Key Findings
After synthesising my research, I was able to take away 4 key findings.
Visual Research
I began my visual research to draw inspiration from existing designs and to learn what was already successful.
With my research complete, I was able to begin designing. I began to ideate possible solutions for Chester Beatty on paper before moving to Illustrator and Photoshop.
My Outcomes
My final design solutions consisted of:

- A new visual identity for Chester Beatty
- Murals with strong imagery to raise awareness of the museum

- A Trail around Dublin City which guided people to the museum
- Wayfinding throughout the building with simple iconography to guide visitors

The external wayfinding consisted of a trail telling the story of Chester Beatty and murals which were designed to grab the attention of people passing by through the use of strong imagery.
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